Friday 27 June 2014


Watch this video and then act with me to change our education systems.   from Now if this video doesn t raise some questions in your mind, it should have . I have begun a personal quest, based on a vision I received some months ago and that quest is to revolutionise education on this planet. Yes, I know it s an enormous goal. Utterly impossible some might say. But impossible is nothing as the famous advert words go, and I have determined to bring about a total evolution if not revolution of education on this planet. It s not so hard to do really. You read this blog, you decide that you too will work towards this goal, we can create a group of like-minded individuals from all walks of life and all races, cultures and creeds, all united with the commun purpose to elevate education and to give back to the children their right to an education worthy of the name. We can give our children the resources to expand their knowledge beyond our own. We can humble

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