Saturday, 1 December 2012

Personal improvement – How to discover more of the real you and like what you find.

Hello there! Today I wanted to share with you a path of discovery that I have undertaken purposefully for the  last forty years or so. That is the path of personal improvement.

Personal improvement: today is better than yesterday.

The concept of personal improvement isn’t new, but only in the last century has any real headway been made to any marked extent, since we began studying more and listening less to the bullshit psychoanalist stories of being a chemically activated emotion machine.
We are human beings, a spiritual entity of almost unlimited potential, occupying for a lifetime, a human body, (and very likely many lifetimes past and future.) But all that is for another episode.
You are here to find out HOW to improve yourself here and now, knowing only what you know. So where does the path to personal improvement begin? In a church? In a school? At the Bar? In the bathtub?
Well, to be honest with you, the path can begin right here, in front of your computer screen, reading this article! And that’s a good place to start because that’s exactly where you are!So, welcome to the first seconds of your new path to personal discovery!
Personal improvement begins here and now

Personal improvement begins here and now

Many people are confused in today’s world and find it very difficult to ‘find their place’ or even be comfortable being where they are. That by the way, is a very first step on the road to personal improvement.
You might consider it more or less nothing, but the ability to BE THERE, where you are, comfortably and percieve is the basis of EVERYTHING else.
Before you have mastered that primary ability, there is no point looking any further for complex reasons why life is a mess or how to make it any better.
I can tell you without any reservation, that the time and effort that I have personally spent on achieving this ability was the most valuable action I ever took.
Many of you will say to me, ‘Hey, anyone can do that, I’m happy being here….. see?’
But I can see behind your facade of ‘macho look-at-me’ air of self-esteem and I can observe your uneasiness, your internal wriggling and your flickering attention. I have seen it all before. For each and every one of us must pass through this first step of becoming comfortable with ourselves to just be there and percieve.
I began this ‘drill’ with my brother at the age of ten I believe I was, and we sat in front of each other and tried to just look at each other without flinching, staring, eyes watering, trying to be funny or anything else except being there comfortably.
You think its easy? I recommmend that you try it with a friend. Just set up two chairs facing eachother in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and just sit and look at each other for a while. You’ll see what I mean. It’s not as easy as it sounds.
You’ll go through being stiff, staring, eyes watering maybe, back aches, trying to be amusing, feeling scared, nervous or hysterical. All sorts of reaction to simply looking at a fellow human-being can manifest themselves.
That’s perfectly OK, Let them manifest, but don’t lose sight of the purpose of the drill is to become comfortable with being there in front of someone, with nothing else added. When you can both do that for two hours straight, you can consider the drill passed.
This is the FIRST STEP on the road to personal improvement.
Try it with your friends, and let me know what experiences you have doing it!
And may you never be the same again!
When you’ve done this drill and you’re ready for the second step to personal improvement, contact me and I’ll let you know what it is.
Checkout my blog-post on Getting magic in your life!

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