Hello there! I was surfing YouTube tonight, (who doesn’t?
and came across one of my favourite songs from way back when the music was SO good, you could practically live off of the good vibrations!
I wanted to share that motivational feeling I re-kindled tonight, with you all, and to share the love and spread the good vibrations to you.
I want to help you to get motivated to do what you want to do, to be who you want to be, and to have what you want to have.
Wouldn’t that just be great? (that is unless of course what you want is planetary destruction, in which case I have a front row VIP seat just on the edge of this volcano here…..)
Without any further ado, I bring you, LIVE all the way from 1975… Ladies and Gentlemen, Peter Frampton!
Hey, wasn’t that great! (oh? I’m sorry, were you still watching? I’ll shut up a minute then)
Great! Well, now you can see how great it was to feel the good vibrations in the 70′s (for you young’uns out there). Feeling good is actually a vital part of existence, and we strive long and hard sometimes for some precious moments of feeling good about something, a time, a place , someone special, a completed task, a smile, a job well done. All of these things can be pleasure moments for us and are motivational.
In fact, if you want to be self-motivated (the best way) and right now you’re not feeling so hot, then some good music can have a very positive effect on your mood, and thus your judgment.
As a side note, Never make long term decisions about anything when you’re upset or angry. Wait until you’re cooled of and less stressed and think about the situation calmly and take your time. That way you’ll live through less disasterous consequences….
OK, so learning how to get motivated is an important step to personal fulfilment and definately part of the road to a happier life.
How can I get motivated?
You wake up feeling crap, you’ve got a dull stupid job, and you can’t see a way out. You’re looking for something to motivate you… well you might as well motivate yourself.
Here, recall a time when you were motivated about doing something. Can you get a time at some time in your past when you recall feeling really excited about some upcoming event, or something you were looking forward to get going on?
OK. Dig around a bit and find some exitment in your past……?
……great. Focus on the zing, and energy that is being created by you right then….can you feel it? Great, becausethat is the trick, the feeling IS being created by you, all on your own….
Do you see where I’m getting at here? We are actually capable of creating our own feelings and emotions and we do just that, in response to what we experience. But the trick is to realise who is creating those feelings that you felt just a minute ago.
Here, I’ll give you a clue. It’s either you or it’s me, as were the only ones doing this right now, …
and it’s not me…..
Great! You got it!
It’s YOU!
“A being creates his own feelings”.
You might be a little sceptical of course and say, “No, that’s not true, she made me feel like that!” Well, she was there yes, but you, yourself, with your own energy, created the feelings that you felt becasue she was there. The point being that of course you wouldn’t feel those feeling when she wasn’t there, except when you thought about her, and you can re-feel those feelings sensations and thoughts as if she was there. (That is some great way to get motivated!)
So, now I hope that you are a little more motivated than when you came in, and we can discuss what are you getting motivated about?
I’m pretty hot on being motivated about blogging to all you guys and gals becasue I’m all-in in the Empower Network and blogging everyday about stuff that interests and excites my creative energies and I am very happy to be able to share this with you!
If you’re not a wussy and you can motivate yourself (like I’ve just shown you) then this might be a good platform for you to get in with and share what you like, and review YouTube vids and other articles and get money doing so.
I mean, to make it simple here, if you bought something for 25$, found out how freaking groovy it was, it’d be simple to sell it and make a commission right? Right!
And what if, just what if, you got not a 20%, or a 50% commission, but a 100% commission. That’d be just awesome wouldn’t it? I mean, you make one sale from something you just bought and you get to keep the whole commission? That’s crazy!
Yes, it’s crazy, but it’s true in the Empower Network! So from you’re first sale you’ve made your money back! After that it’s profit.
Ok, You’ve waited long enough to find something this good, click below and start on your journey to motivated, fun, freindly blogging that can make you a decent income.
Remember, no wussies allowed!
- Learn the secrets of marketing your personal expansion
Flourish and Prosper!
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