Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Big bang theory : Dr Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan and Arthur C. Clark

How does the big bang theory have anything to do with you and your everyday life?

Hello again (or not). I watched this video yesterday or at least the day before I posted this blog as yesterday is of course relative. Anyway, back to the video, I noticed within it certain unbelieveably important datums that I wanted to bring your attention to.
photos of lightning big bang theory aftermath?
At time 4:35 Magnus Magnuson says that Carl Sagan stated in his foreward to the book by Stephen Hawking that “its only children nowadays that ask the big  questions because they don’t know enough not to”, and Mr Sagans reply as to the state of current (1988, it’s got worse since, not better) education that prevents children or anyone for that matter from following a course of questionning to discover the truth about something.
Here we have 3 extremely brilliant people discussing vast uncharted subjects, but in so doing touch upon datums (plural of datum, a single fact or idea) that are totally applicable to our daily lives, and your capability to change the current course of your existance, if you want to.
Now again at 47 minutes Carl Sagan talks about ‘creativity’ which is an immensly important subject, here seen from a person who has been battling with the question of existence itselffor many years. How and why and what on a universe level of existence, not just “what should we eat for breakfast” level, if you see what I mean.
So, my point here in discussing the big bang theory is that we are raising our sights to begin to discuss things of a level greater than that which usually concerns our thoughts, but it is exactly that shift of state of mind, that allows one to get a point where other possibilites can begin to manifest in your mental sphere.
It is this extending of what you can percieve of as possible that I want to bring your attention to. It is exactly this activity, expanding your conscious awareness and/or acceptance, countenance if you like, of potential future existences that is one of the keys to your own personal expansion, health, wealth and influence in the world.
At 34 minutes Carl Sagan points out the ‘booby-trapped planet’ scenario. It hasn’t got any less booby-trapped, and we’re now teetering on the edge of climate catastrophy.
So, to give you a sense of urgency, it is time that the people as a united group of planet-dwellers, took back the riches and wealth from the
wankers, oops sorry I mean Bankers, and began to control ourselves what gets financed. The way to do that is to get a great deal of people to have a great deal of money (and Empower Network seems to be a great way to do this!) and to create their own monetary deposit systems (I won’t call them banks)  and have a sane financial effort put into saving and building, not pillaging and plundering mother earths’ resources.
Get active, and get wealthy! The link below, might help, IF you’re not a wussy and are willing to learn…
Internet Marketing Training

Flourish and Prosper!



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