Friday, 7 December 2012

“Episodes 5 + 6″ – Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome: The power of knowledge

Hello! After a hard days work and feeling somewhat compressed, a great little wind-me-down is a short episode of Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome! I checked these two episodes out just before writing this blog and I was inspired to cover some interesting points in the clip that are relevant to our daily lives.
Here’s the episode:
Awesome huh!
Great, so now we can cover some vital points that you can use to help you to get to where you want to be in your business or in your life in general.

1. One vital point is the power of knowledge

Effectively portrayed many times in the scenes but specifically, the marine who had the upper hand on the bio-mech ‘snakes’. His better knowledge allowed him to survive where others had failed.
You can see evidences of this all around you in life. The more pertinent knowledge that you have in handling something the better equiped you are to get a result in that zone of action. I say pertinent, as there are loads of information source on internet marketing, but the Empower Network training has narrowed it down to the real nuts and bolts essentials.
This is vital, otherwise you could easily spend four  years learning : Search engine optimization techniques, hosting packages, auto-responder set up, copy writing (how to write compelling content) image manipulation, link creation and social media leveraging, plus free and paid marketing activities, ALL of which are covered in their essential basics in the training here that you could cover in a few months.
If you did the training every day for several hours you could possibly cover it all in a few weeks, but honestly there is a LOT of data here.
Getting back to the Knowledge is Power scenario, there are training elements that you can learn step by step and then directly apply what you have understood. The vital step is toimmediately put it in to action in a big way while you get on with learning the next vital activity to handle building your on-line business.

2. Point two, is “Persistance pays off. “

Anything worthwhile that is brought into existence was done by the persistent action of individuals against the frakk that life and the physical universe throws at people, but,by applying their knowledge, and persisting in the action that was begun, a final valuable result is obtained.

All too often poeple get all fired up about doing something or other and at some point when the gaoing gets a little tough and it’s not so immediately ‘fun’ anymore, and there is still a way to go before one can see a result, then the not-so-intense individuals start making excuses to not continue. “Well, I gave it my best shot” or ” This other project looks more interesting now” or “I’ll carry on with that later when I have more time…”
Bullshit excuses like these are the swan song of dying projects that never get completed, including the ones you started when you were young to “make it.”
SO, in order to get a result you have to create within you a totally ruthless personal attitude of bull-dog never-give-up-no-matter-what!
You have to pull yourself together and get going again in the right direction, with a more intensified intention, and KEEP GOING!
discover knowledge is power in your life
NO-one is gonna stop me.....
The ‘view from the top of the mountain’ is TOTALLY worth it, honestly. You will be SO frikking happy that you NEVER faltered and that you KEPT GOING, your achievements will definately be worth all the effort you put in to getting trained and acting NOW on what you have learned.
There is no other way.
Join me here, and I’ll share what I know, and I’ll share what I learn as I go, getting you hooked on to a thicker, stronger rope, onto  an easier path to the mountain top.
See you at the top!


using the power of knowledge

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