It has probably happened to most of us at one time or another. Perhaps more than once and sometimes in strenuous circumstances….
The fact of leaving the body (other than being dead) is not a new idea. In fact it is WAY older than christianity and predates practically any current religion. Well, you hear all sorts of stories of course, and if it never happened (yet) to you, then you won’t know what I’m really talking about, but take it from me, it’s very real! I’ll tell you my story and you can make up your own mind….
Once upon a time (about forty years ago…)
I was cycling home from town, about a mile away from home along the main London road where I lived. I’d just visited our local electronics shop looking for some bits to build my gadgets with.
Suddenly :BLACKNESS: NOTHINGNESS : not even a spatial awareness. No sound, light, weight, pressure, hunger, body position or anything. Just me, aware of being aware, and very surprised not to be able to feel my body. Not in fear or anger or pain. Just urgently surprised to suddenly be separated from my body without warning. I had the thought “Am I dead” cross my mind but dismissed it immedaitely as I was trying to get to grips with this sudden new state of existence, and I was obviously far from dead. Dead people don’t think!
Am I dead?
I supposed that I had been moved from my body for some reason or another and that that state would count me as being dead from anyone else’s point of view.
“Ok” I thought “If I am dead, then that is a bummer, because I know a lot of people who will be really upset if I don’t get back and keep on living”. I hadn’t yet discovered why I’d been parted from my body, but at the instant I’d completed the thought of not wanting to upset anybody by being dead….WHAM! life sensations and body-awareness returned with avengence! My body was being assisted to sit down on the back-seat of a car, covered in broken windscreen glass. I felt a soreness under my knee. I looked down and noticed that my right grey school sock was no longer grey, it was a nice bright red colour. Blood red in fact!
I rapidly tried to get to grips with this sudden “in-corporation” again, if one can call it that, and rapidly counted my arms and legs, and fingers and toes. I could see out of both eyes, so that was already a good thing! I’d realised by now that I’d been hit by the car, and thrown from my bicycle. I saw a policeman some way down the road, near what was left of my bike, hailing the ambulance that was just arriving, all sirens and flashing lights.
Well they shipped me off to the hospital and I spent a few weeks recovering. I spoke with my dad about my incident, and thankfully, he is one of the rare dads who really understands well this kind of thing, so we went over it and I described what had happened. He said ‘Thank you for telling me’ and smiled and I was happy with that.
I knew that I wouldn’t share my experience with too many other people ‘cos they’d probably say I was mad, or making up stories. But you know something? When you are aware of being aware of yourself, and there is really just you and your thoughts, you realise with a certaintythat you are NOT your body, and that it is really just a temporary vessel.
Changed my point of view on life:
That really changes ones outlook on life. You are never the same again. You look for other people to share your story, and find that in fact a LOT of people share similar stories and they’ve all hidden them for fear of being ridiculed. Well it’s been a long time since I’ve had a fear of being ridiculed. I really don’t give a monkey’s what anyone else thinks. I know what I know.
In pursuing my desire for greater understanding of this subject I’ve found that the concept of past-lives was not so far-fetched as I’d been led to believe. I also discovered that one of the greatest religions current today, had in fact been altered from its origins by some evil person along the way, who decided that all references to past or future lives MUST be removed from the Bible. And they were. But don’t take my word for it. Find out for yourself.
I found a great deal of things began to make sense now. Why I had such amazingly incredibly REAL ‘dreams’ and how I could feel SO many times , that I already knew something before I learnt it and my ‘learning’ was more like ‘remembering’ . And why certain music seemed SO familiar when I’d never heard it before (this lifetime). And how come I felt like I knew music so much more than just what I’d learned in my piano, or ‘cello lessons. I could FEEL it living within me , but couldn’t express it to anyone. OR how that when I began composing my own music, that , as I stated on my own website, that the music was already there just asking for me to recover it, to let it BE once again.
Unbelieveable potentials.
Well, there’s my story. I’m a multiple life-time being inhabiting a meat-based carbon engine for a limited time period, and doing what I can to help other “stuck-in-meat beings ” discover their unbelieveable potentials. Just because they’re unbelievable doesn’t mean that they are not REAL. They’re just UNBELIEVABLE. That’s all.
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