Monday, 3 December 2012

Life, the universe and everything, and does it (cosmically speaking) matter? 4th dimension and beyond

Hello, today I wanted to give you some perspective. Life is lived from one’s own perspective. It cannot be lived otherwise. We live within the bounds of what we can believe possible. Read that last phrase again.
What does that mean though, to our daily existence?
What that seems to mean is that we cannot easily believe that great changes will happen to us because our perspective does not allow us to. (Like thinking about the 4th dimension, we can’t.) Hence we are never ready to take the massive action that is required to bring about those great changes, so we are by our own “reduced perspective” limiting our growth.

That is a mind bogglingly important datum. Just by trying to think about the 4th dimension you are already expanding your own personal capacities.

thinking about the 4th dimension

To state it another way:  we, individually, daily, continually, refrain from acting in a way that will bring too great a change(from our current point of view) into existence.

From where you are now, you will never be rich, wealthy or hugely influencial. You just won’t, no matter what you buy, who’s clothes you wear or what you read or eat. Because you are NOT READY to have that change happen to you.
“OK” I hear you say “so how DO I become ready?”
I knew you’d ask. Well, you have to prepare yourself for expansion. You have to start to knock out of your life the little phrases like ‘I could never do that’ (see my other blog on this subject) (and here) so that you can allow yourself to consciously accept the possibility THAT YOU COULD!
The “great, marvellous future” that you ‘want’ has to be created in your minsd as an actual attainable possibility that you can work towards achieving. Otherwise you will continue to live exaclty the way you do and have a ‘dream’ that you have allowed youself to be conviced is totally unanttainable!
Are you following me here?
IF you have a dream, you must become capable, by any means open to you, to be able toconsciously belive it to already be possible. I do not care if no-one else thinks that it’s possible. It just take you to KNOW that it IS possible, regardless of how impossible it might appear from your current perspective(!)
I will give you an example from a personal true story. I was at a seaside town on holiday with my parents. I was around 6 or 7 years old. I was walking along the quayside and the tide was out so the mooring pontoon was about 3 meters below the quay. I looked at the distance down and thought it was probably much too high to jump down. I loooked at the distance to the steps far away and thought it too far to bother to walk all the way and have to walk all the way back along the pontoon to where I was. So, I looked again at the drop, and changed my mind. I considered it now within the boundaries of possibility as before I had discarded it as being IMPOSSIBLE. So, I jumped!
I probably ‘reasonably’ shouldn’t have, but I did! AND I arrived on the pontoon deck 3 meters below , with a THUMP! I have to admit, it hurt pretty bad, and I sat crouched on my bent knees in painful suffering for a few long minutes, until the pain subsided. But I had done it! I had jumped and survived the fall despite it being IMPOSSIBLE before.
This story goes to show that to get where you want to be might be a little uncomfortable, and might be currently IMPOSSIBLE to you right now, but by changing your mind (that’s the tough part) you can persuade yourself that it could be possible and eventually that it IS POSSIBLE. Then , you just have to take the massive action to bring it about, which you NEVER would have done “knowing” that it was impossible.
“Allright, ” you say “so what does this have to do with life the universe and everything and the 4th dimension?”
Here’s a video I’d like to share with you on that subject….bear with me, it has direct bearing on the train of thought here.
So, if you’ve been carefully following, you can see how this applies to you and your about to be expanded view of life, the universe and everything.

 ”It is of paramount importance, to follow a path ofpersonal discovery, in order to be able to gain the knowledge that you need to have about yourself and your potential capabilities, such that you can have achange of state of mind concerning what is possible, in order to be able to bring about the actual changesin your current life.”

(quote copyright J.Feldmesser 2012)
I wrote that large so that you can read it again and print it out and paste it where you are.
Whe you understand that fully, you will be able to take the needed action to bring about the wealth and success that you have heretofore only had as an “impossible dream”
If you’re ready to learn some of the secrets of using the internet to expand your horizons, master the art of marketing and begin a journey of self discovery and join the group that is creating an internet phenomenon, click the button below now.
Internet Marketing Training
Everything I have written above has a direct bearing on your abilty to create the changes that you want to have in your life.
Jump! (I already have!)
Checkout my blog-post on Getting magic in your life!

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