Thursday, 13 December 2012

image compositing with DAZ studio renders: The basics.

Hi there! I’m just working on a new work of art and I thought I’d share this unique opportunity to walk you through one simple way of using DAZ studio to do image compositing using DAZ studio renders. (A render is an image in 2d of a 3d virtual scene, as though taking a photo)

What’s a composite render?

Well, what I mean is use daz studio for the 3d character and then use the image in a .png format ( .png is Portable Network Graphics, which is a format that allows transparency.) to allow you to use the image and “see through” the black parts to your scene background on the layer below.
In order to make this work, you’ll need Daz Studio, and a basic image manipulation program like the GIMP, or a version of Adobe Photoshop for example.
First set up your character and lights and use a black background. do your render and you’ll get something like this :
image compositing with DAZ studio
I’ve made the image clickable so you can download it.
Allright, so now you need a background image. I took this shot of a sunrise a few weeks back and wanted to use this dramatic sunlit cloudscape for my background.
image compositing using DAZ studio

 Now for the image compositing magic!

OK,so far so good. Now we have to load both images into our photo manipulation program and set the sunrise as the background layer and the girl as the layer above.
As the girl is in .png format the white areas are invisible and she sits right in our sunrise bathing in the warmth and glory!
As it turns out I had to scale her up as my photo is 2500 pixels wide and I only rendered at 1500 pixels, but your editing program can easily take care of all that.
ok, so now you need to adjust her position and see how well your lighting colors are matching. That’s a key part to making the image compositing  ”believable.” I think it looks pretty good here so I’ll upload and let you see the result. I’ll say that I did this set up in about the last 20 minutes or so , so what you see here is raw direct and un-cut!
image compositing using DAZ studio
“Bathing in the glory”
Alright! So you see how we did this? I’m pretty convinced with the result, but obviously more fine retouching would be required for the final image, but that might need to be the subject of another post if you like.
Oh, the dress? I thought you might ask! Well it’s a dynamic dress from the Ultimate pattern design kit, with several tweaks and changes to the original. I’ve reshaped, bump and diffuse mapped it and added translucency to have it cling and hang the way I wanted.
Well, there you have it in a nutshell, simple basic image compositiong using DAZ studio.
Let me know what you think, and feel free to leave your comments and questions below.

Flourish and Prosper!
powerful words to internet prosperity

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