From migraine to peace in under 3 hours and a creative purpose revealed
Posted by Jeremy Feldmesser
Hello. Today I’m going to share with you the exact truth and reality of what has occurred a few hours ago, in the hope that it may resonate with a few others of you who may have experienced a similar condition, and those of you who are understanding of family members or friends who get such headaches.
If you’re looking for internet marketing hints and tips this particular post has those in the lower section.
The Migraine
My true story of today :
I arrived home and felt a little exhausted and washed out. I’d been rather busy all day with a number of items requiring my attention to keep everything running smoothly in my current job.
I felt tense and uncomfortable and I did the routine action of getting myself a coffee and joined my wife on the terrace to share a few moments together before the supper preparations began.
Admittedly I wasn’t really ‘there’ very much as the onset of the migraine was already apparent. This manifests itself by tension in the back and neck and a lessening of the ‘hold on reality’. I finished my coffee and had a few fruits and nuts to keep me going before supper.
With these headaches, I never take any medication or painkillers or drugs of any sort. Ever.
I was due to go to my art class tonight, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to concentrate so I let it drop. The food would be prepared shortly anyway so I decided to let the time pass in as relaxing a position as I could attain for that point in time sharing the sofa with one of our three cats. He’s called Knobby, is all black and is rather old, about 12 or 13 I think, and has sore joints.
I passed into a semi-conscious state of partial mental shut-down to lessen the painful sensations and waited for the food to be ready.
When my wife called I was in two minds as to whether or not to eat. Often the nausea comes in and is quite an unpleasant aspect of this state. I was still feeling relatively ‘with-it’ so I decided to feed the body and take the risk of not keeping it.
I must admit, even through the haze of the onset of the pain/discomfort I enjoyed eating the cheese and ham panini, but I had to leave the table as my state was not improving.
I went to my bedroom to be in the quietest place and shut the blinds against the painful evening sun. (Shame really as it had been a grey and miserable day).
I lay on the bed and did my best to let go of the painful thoughts that were on automatic and worked on letting go of the tension. After a short while, as always the nausea sensation takes the upper hand and lying horizontally is no longer an option, despite the feeling of exhaustion that accompanies these, I sat up and gently rocked my head from side to side to relax the muscles.
I found that slow gentle continuous movement of the head seems to lessen the pain and discomfort, so I kept this going.
As I let the tension go and let the ‘automatic thoughts’ lessen and reduce in tenacity I allow myself to drift into a kind of day-dream and try to feel for my central most thoughts. These often are creative and include helping others to achieve their true potential. This is my definite major purpose in life in fact, and is part of the reason for this blog.
The peace.
I let my thoughts follow the least painful path as I discovered a particularly pleasing and pacifying thought where I saw myself in a future in a learning and teaching center for creative people.
It is somewhere in the orient and has very oriental motifs in the architecture. The children and young adults are all engaged in various arts or creativity and there is a all-pervading sense of individual development. The air is clean and cool and the scent of the tree blossoms can be delicately perceived.
I am walking out into the gardens and I can hear the birds singing and the sounds of the activities in the building recede as I walk down into the gardens. My wife is organising something in her usual efficient and pleasant manner and joins me a short while later under the flowering trees.
I get to understand that this place is called the “Epicenter for returning creativity” and with that thought I feel myself smile. My head pains are lessening and I feel the tensions begin to dissipate in my body.
I rest a while in this thought studying a little the environment, feeling the breeze, listening to the birds, smelling the scents and perceiving the enveloping feeling that this is where I am providing the greatest exchange with others. This is where I am striving to be, this is where my life’s purpose is being fulfilled, and tears form in my bodies eyes.
I know now where my future lies and that it is just a matter of a short time before this is reality that you and I can share.
As I slowly return to ‘now’ in my bedroom I know that the storm has passed and that a degeneration into a bad migraine attack has been avoided. I look at the clock and it is around 8pm.
I walk down the stairs to join my wife and let her know that I’m feeling better so that she doesn’t worry.
I write this blog post to be able to share this story with you, as I cannot share this story where I currently live in France as I know no-one who can accept that this is my reality.
Thank you for listening.
It’s 10:20 pm now so i’ll be wrapping this up and getting ready for another day.
I’ll be going to work tomorrow singing or whistling as usual and no-one will know.
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