The official Blogger blog of Jez Feldmesser AKA Jeremusic with emphasis on promoting a revolutionary education for our children...while promoting my music, my 3d art images or experimental photography, and personal development.
Monday, 21 July 2014
Friday, 18 July 2014
Discover your passion and make it your life!
I creating this blogpost from a FB post I just wrote because I felt the need to expand on the concept and integrate it with a video that I made this morning. My passion for what I m doing here online is growing each and every day and I m getting really excited! I went to bed at around 2:30 last night and up again at 7:00 because I m having such fun doing what I m doing, I don t see the time go. Honest truth. Here s the video I made this morning : Discover your passion. Thanks for watching!
If you don't change, nothing changes. (or Now we're supposed to...)
Hello! What I love doing most in life for people is breaking them out of the "now we're supposed to..."
What do I mean by that? Well, it's so ingrained, just look around at your life nad you'll see all the "now we're supposed to's...". You're born somehow, and now you're supposed to 'grow up' and then you're suuposed to go to school to learn something, and then you're supposed to get a job and pay into a retirement fund, and then you're supposed to watch the TV everyday to make sure you don't actually think about anything too crucial and important, and then you're supposed to work for 40 or 50 years and then you're supposed to retire and STOP working and then you're supposed to finally enjoy life (what's left of it) and then you're supposed to die and leave your wealth (or your debts) to your children that you were supposed to have.
See? You're supposed to...
Now, at any point in there did YOU actually make a decision of your own volition?
Did you?
Ok, so you see where I'm coming from but perhpas not yet where I'm going.
Fair enough.
I'll explain further. Stick with me here because this simple blog, innocent and unassuming that it is may well contain the key to your future success.
Why? Becuase I intended it that way.
Intention is a fabulous thing. It is the power behing the idea that brings it into reality. Many many people have great ideas, but it only the intention to bring that idea into reality, kept alive and determined, pushing therough all the 'reasons why', 'stops' and 'cant's' to finally achieve the original intention.
It is the purest joy and beauty to see.
A decision, followed through on, right through to full, unequivocable completion! Wow!
You're right, we don't often witness that do we?
Well often partly because of the above...."Now we're supposed to.." we start off along some route and hit a barrier and, not being as strong willed and stubbornly determined as we might be we drift off to someone else's plan of what we should be doing.
Are you following me here?
Have you been drifted off yourself?
Ok, well let's get you back on track.
You and me, here and now.
Flourish and Prosper.
Hold down the 'ctrl' key and press the letter 'D', that's open up a bookmark dialog and you can save it. That way we can continue this conversation and fulfill my intention to have you flourishing and prospering.
Yes, that IS my intention. Flourish and Prosper. That's why I end all my e-mails and all my blog posts with it.It's my mantra if you like. The uppermost powerful thought always in my mind and the reason I do what I do.
How can a government solve their billion dollar debt situation? Make sure that their people flourish and prosper. Simple.
This applies at the highest levels right on down to the individual. You. Make this your mantra, your guiding concept, the unique thought that powers your every move. Flourish and prosper. Say it. Go on, out loud, say it! I challenge you.
Think that thought, think what it means for you.
It's all part of the 'magic' of the successful people. They think themselves into flourishing and prospering. Obviously I'm not talking about saying "flourish and prosper" and shazamm! you have all the riches you desire instantly, that would be too easy. But essentially what we are doing is taking control of your own thoughts.
The TRUTH behind Thought control
The vast majority of people do not control their own thoughts. You don't believe me? Go look at a few hundered ordinary people and observe them. Just observe them. I didn't say analyse like some idiot psychologist or something. Just observe in order to acquire the valuable information from observing.
You'll see. Most peoples thoughts are being determined by some EXTERNAL factor. They are not purposefully controlling their own thoughts.
NOW we're getting to the real stuff here. Are you still with me? Wow! YOU are an extrordinary person! Yes really. No, I'm not kidding. Practically no-one ever gets this far, so we're sure to only have the very elite here with us.
That's OK. This is where it gets really exciting.
I am writing this article to help break the control factor. I intend for you to begin to look and observe what you are doing, and to determine on your own whether or not you have decided to do what you're doing.
When you get to that luxurious point to be able to do what you're doing while you're doing it, you will have achieved a state of POWER. Hold on to that because that will determine your success.
I'm not selling anything here, except perhaps the idea that you can become more self-determined than you probably ever thought possible and that's well worth any price you have to pay for it.
If you don't change, nothing changes.
SO how DO you become self-determined and what does that really mean? It means taking full responsibility for yourself. Simple. Full responsibility.
No, it's not your parent's fault, or your school teacher, or your boss, or the government or your childhood or your stupid psychologist* (see definition below)
It is you who determines what you do. It is you who decides to become healthy, wealthy or wise. It is you who decides to act or not when new information is presented to you and it is you who will follow through on you plans and dreams, or let them slip away....
If you have gotten this far, then I must congratulate you, and frankly, I'd be honoured to work with you because you're going to make a difference.
How do I know?
Because you have staying power, and that's a great quality to have and build upon.
You can now use what you have learned above and steer your future in the direction that YOU want, the direction that YOU have determined and that YOU will follow through on because now YOU know that it is you that is doing it.
Welcome to the real world!
(Life really IS fun, isn't it?)
Jeremy Feldmesser AKA Jeremusic.
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
“You’re not my friend” or how to spot fake FB accounts.
Hello friends! I wanted to share this video with you as I had several of these annoying connections and I presume you are too! Here s how I handle this and get on with my lifestyle creation. It s important to be safe while on the web and particularly on social media which, like anywhere has some less-than-desirables hanging around in the dark corners. I m not sharing this to scare anyone or put them off from using social media. The point here is to be Web Savvy and not be a clay pigeon. Thanks for watching! I hope that helps you to rapidly spot and block so that you can get on with your life and not waste any time with this sort of thing. It s a very quick action and shouldn t take more than about 30 seconds really. Spot the outpoints which I list here: 1. very new account 2. Empty profile 3. only one or two profile pics (often very alluring or amazing) 4. They start the chat with some odd sounding phrase or offer. 5. A right-click, search google for this image shows major discrepanci
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