Saturday, 17 August 2013

Jeremusic vision of a drug free education for all
Allow me to introduce myself. I'm a 51 year old computer technician, father of three and foster-father to three more.
I have a vision. I intend to change the face of education on the planet.

I'm looking for like-minded people to work with in order to bring about a global change in education on this planet.
To free children from mind-altering, mentaly stultifiying drugs and refuse to have these ever in an "education" establishment.

My wish is to provide an education adapted to the child, not the system.

If you're agreeable so far, then please read my blog post and you will understand.

If, in turn you think we can work together, please contact me via
Thank you.
Jeremy Feldmesser AKA Jeremusic

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