Past lives, astral bodies, after-life, regression, space-walks, crazy ‘memories’
Hello. If you’re reading this then I guess that you’re interested in some or all of the above. Perhaps the following video clip might also touch a special note with you. I have to admit that I love the music and rapid complex melodies but the human voice element, intense though it is, if left out, would strikingly improve the composition. From my own personal point of view, that is.
A work of art on past lives and out of the body awareness :
Artwork by Jeremusic (me).
Here, take a look :
Between the Buried and Me ”Astral Body” (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
So, now you know what it feels like to realise that you’re not just ‘simply human’.
I have to say that the team that pulled off this video clip did a freakin’ great job of it!
Past lives. Are they real?
The realisation can come to us in a number of different ways, and people often turn to the arts to attempt to communicate the concepts that they get. Of course you can’t tell anyone this, they have to find out for themselves. But when they do, and I hope it happens sooner rather than later for you, then a whole planet-load of crazy unexplainable things just become a simple “oh, I see…:) ” kind of moment and you can regain some of your buried potential.
Yes, its true, it can be very disconcerting to your average person to get a glimpse of past lives or to realise that he or she is in fact a zapped down to almost-nothing gigantic demi-god-of-a-being, destined to live through a countless number of life/death/life cycles until….. BUT the painful truth is a billion times better than the most comfortable convincing, continuously repeated, shouted, media-stormed, frikin bull-shit lies that you’ve been being fed (and swallowing!) for the last countless generations.
Hey planet! Its time to wake up and get real!
Ok, so you think you’re just a human. You’re convinced. Every day the stuff in the world that cuts your finger, tells you so. That’s ok. It is true enough that you need to have some very good sense in place and a strong stomach to face the truth of past lives…
And of course the real truth isn’t going to be posted on a blog.
Hey c’mon, you think the secrets of the universe can be found, just by typing “secrets of the universe” into a Google search box? Hey, that’s really funny!
no….what…you already tried it?……Hang on let me open a new browser tab here….and ….secrets of the unive…r….s….e….and hit return…..;!
About 17,900,000 results (0.37 seconds), hmmmm that's gonna take a while to see if any of what's there is actually true.....
Ok, so humor aside for a second, have you ever stopped to think what your actual potentials are? Aside from throwing our fragile planet into the sun, (for which I think you’d be left with a lot of pissed off disembodied ex-people on your hands and on your conscience, ) even if it seemed like a good idea at the time….
No, I learned a while back that great power brings with it the need for a greater responsibility. One cannot wield his or her power with a whim…. A very well thought out use of great power is what is required. Paying respect and thanks to the work of a few very cherished beings, this universe actually stands a chance of becoming something worth sticking around in for a while. Even if it’s just to see how things turn out, but if you’re in it you might as well take a decisive role in how it does turn out. Then you can say to your friends, a few generations down the line, that you were there and you helped make it what it is today! And you’d be telling the truth….
Perhaps, for most of you, this is just a humorous blog about being a human-cased ultra-being, and it’s kind of fun to imagine that….
But to the few of you who realise that everything I’m writing here is in fact total truth, (yes, even the bit about past-lives) then you can join with me and the others who’ve dedicated their unrelenting efforts to the goal and we can help educate this planets population out of its inherent self-destruction. We can unite and vanquish, by education, the (puny, pathetic, annoying) ‘forces of evil’.
Then we can get on with the real reason why we came here. If you don’t already know what that is, you’ll know soon enough.
If you’re a musician, an artist, sculptor, film maker or author then there’s probably enough inspirational concepts in this simple blog to provide a planet load of “great stories’.
Of course, this story, like all good stories, does have a happy ending….
Love you all,
Want more? Go here.
or , if you’re looking for something to leverage your potential, go here…