Friday, 30 November 2012

Past lives, astral bodies, after-life, regression, space-walks, crazy ‘memories’

Past lives, astral bodies, after-life, regression, space-walks, crazy ‘memories’

by  | on October 25, 2012

Hello. If you’re reading this then I guess that you’re interested in some or all of the above. Perhaps the following video clip might also touch a special note with you. I have to admit that I love the music and rapid complex melodies but the human voice element, intense though it is, if left out, would strikingly improve the composition. From my own personal point of view, that is.

A work of art on past lives and out of the body awareness :

past lives awareness and out-of-body experiences
"Suddenly I felt a little strange..."
Artwork by Jeremusic  (me).
Here, take a look :

Between the Buried and Me ”Astral Body” (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

reposted here from YouTube (love you guys!)
So, now you know what it feels like to realise that you’re not just ‘simply human’.
I have to say that the team that pulled off this video clip did a freakin’ great job of it!

Past lives. Are they real?

The realisation can come to us in a number of different ways, and people often turn to the arts to attempt to communicate the concepts that they get. Of course you can’t tell anyone this, they have to find out for themselves. But when they do, and I hope it happens sooner rather than later for you, then a whole planet-load of crazy unexplainable things just become a simple “oh, I see…:) ” kind of moment and you can regain some of your buried potential.
Yes, its true, it can be very disconcerting to your average person to get a glimpse of past lives or to realise that he or she is in fact a zapped down to almost-nothing gigantic demi-god-of-a-being, destined to live through a countless number of life/death/life cycles until….. BUT the painful truth is a billion times better than the most comfortable convincing, continuously repeated, shouted, media-stormed, frikin bull-shit lies that you’ve been being fed (and swallowing!) for the last countless generations.

Hey planet! Its time to wake up and get real!

Ok, so you think you’re just a human. You’re convinced. Every day the stuff in the world that cuts your finger, tells you so. That’s ok. It is true enough that you need to have some very good sense in place and a strong stomach to face the truth of past lives…
And of course the real truth isn’t going to be posted on a blog.
Hey c’mon, you think the secrets of the universe can be found, just by typing “secrets of the universe” into a Google search box? Hey, that’s really funny!
no….what…you already tried it?……Hang on let me open a new browser tab here….and ….secrets of the unive…r….s….e….and hit return…..;!
About 17,900,000 results (0.37 seconds), hmmmm that's gonna take a while to see if any of what's there is actually true.....
Ok, so humor aside for a second, have you ever stopped to think what your actual potentials are? Aside from throwing our fragile planet into the sun, (for which I think you’d be left with a lot of pissed off disembodied ex-people on your hands and on your conscience, ) even if it seemed like a good idea at the time….
No, I learned a while back that great power brings with it the need for a greater responsibility. One cannot wield his or her power with a whim…. A very well thought out use of great power is what is required. Paying respect and thanks to the work of a few very cherished beings, this universe actually stands a chance of becoming something worth sticking around in for a while. Even if it’s just to see how things turn out, but if you’re in it you might as well take a decisive role in how it does turn out. Then you can say to your friends, a few generations down the line, that you were there and you helped make it what it is today! And you’d be telling the truth….
Perhaps, for most of you, this is just a humorous blog about being a human-cased ultra-being, and it’s kind of fun to imagine that….
But to the few of you who realise that everything I’m writing here is in fact total truth, (yes, even the bit about past-lives) then you can join with me and the others who’ve dedicated their unrelenting efforts to the goal and we can help educate this planets population out of its inherent self-destruction. We can unite and vanquish, by education, the (puny, pathetic, annoying) ‘forces of evil’.
Then we can get on with the real reason why we came here. If you don’t already know what that is, you’ll know soon enough.
If you’re a musician, an artist, sculptor, film maker or author then there’s probably enough inspirational concepts in this simple blog to provide a planet load of “great stories’.
Of course, this story, like all good stories, does have a happy ending….
Love you all,
Want more? Go here.
or , if you’re looking for something to leverage your potential, go here…

Jezartography ™ – a whole visual universe of my personal creativity!

Jezartography ™ – a whole visual universe of my personal creativity!

by  | on November 7, 2012
Hello! I’ve been working in the digital arts for some time now and up until recently, most of my work had been merely part of my own personal learning process (which, if you know anything about me is a continual relentless search for new competences! ) and had not been shared with anyone much.
After an increasing number of very positive comments from my friends on my images in blogs and other posts, I decided to create a new branch of my creativity to cover the visual arts.
Jezartography -  woman reclining with lace curtains
Jezartography "Red bikini"
I already have an established collection of musical compositions and a website devoted to my music under which will shortly contain also some of my artworks too, but I wanted to have a complete universe of imagery to share.
I wanted to find a word that described my images and creative photography that was unique. I’d got caught some years back in my early days on the web when I createdJeremusic as my ‘stage-name’ for my musical compositions, and I wasn’t so well known or familiar with the workings of the web.

Jezartography – a unique word for unique art.

It was only after a year or two and some CD sales that I discovered that I wasn’t the only ‘Jeremusic’ around. I found one in America and shortly after I discovered a second. Then sometime later I learned of a third living, like me, in France. Such that a Google search for “Jeremusic” began to give a confusing list of results. This is becoming much less of a problem since I joined the Empower network a few months back  and began to learn thesecrets of internet marketing. 
Now a Google search for Jeremusic finds my website,,  in the number one spot on the first page as it should be and the following 20 or so pages are almost all my pages too. A few more weeks and I’ll have it covered!
So, having learned that the hard way I had to come up with a unique word and in combining “jeremy” and “photo” or “art” or “image” in all possible combinations until I hit one that had ZERO Google engine results. ZERO!

Jezartography [tm] is like seeing my musical compositions.

That was my ‘google-free’ word. “Jezartography ™” was born! (Yes it’s in the process of being registered or probably is by the time you read this, as you have to be very precise about protecting your works of art these days!)
I , Jeremy Feldmesser, am the original creator and copyright holder of all goods and services that are or will be furnished under this mark. I have Albums of artwork and webpages and domain name registrations dated to prove ownership and use of my unique word!
Jezartography covers my unique digital art, my photographs and photo-based digital art, all photography services including, but not limited to, portraits and creative photographic imagery. 2 or 3D images, textures, video clips and screensavers are also covered.
Now if you do a Google search for jezartography, you’ll find 100 percent my art work. And that’s exactly how it should be!
So if you’ve got a really good something to get listed in the search engines then finding atotally unique word  is a great idea! You can register it and promote it and you can be sure the traffic comes to you. At least for a while, because of course eventually everyone will be talking about it on the web and the ‘authority sites’ that have your unique word in them will come up in the higher rankings, so your site had better be in them! (More good secrets to learn!)
Hopefully you’ve been inspired from this blog and maybe gotten an idea or two to improve your rankings or how to share your uniqueness!
Flourish and prosper!

The face of a woman can change the world.

The face of a woman can change the world.

If you’ve ever studied history, you’ll find all sorts of stories of great men and great women. Many a battle was fought over the love of a lady. And thanks to the two terminal universe that we live in, as a man, I feel it only fitting that I should pay hommage to the role of women in the world, and let the ladies honour us gentlemen as they see fit.
dancer seated facing camera
"I live to dance!"
Here’s a render I made as a concept form, so that I wouldn’t forget an idea that I had had. I have a great number of creative concepts come to me and sometimes they come and they’re gone before I get a chance to capture the essence of the thought. That’s why I created this particlaur image.
I spent some while with a girl who loved to dance and who could really express herself while dancing with no choreographed routine, just put on the music and she would dance, just bam, full of energy and exhilaration! I imagined this pose with the preciseness of the body and the intensity of the regard. I hope it conveys at least a little of what I felt.
These are not finished works but just ‘holding sketches’, so that when I have fully conceived of what I’m trying to say with the image I can complete the story with the final image.
girl in green barefoot in the woods
Young Mother Nature
In this render I wanted to capture the lighting and shadow in a particular way, while working with the  colour palette of naturals. I wanted space, quiet, serenity, warmth, light and beauty. You will tell me if I have suceeded…

girls face with red grid projection
This again is a concept render where I wanted to capture the beauty being scanned for an unknown reason, leaving the intrigue to the observer. I loved the eyes and the hair so she stayed as she was…
I haven’t quite figured out what is being communicated here, but maybe that’s how it should be. She might even be the sister of Nature?

Everyone needs inspiration.

We can find inspiration in all manner of places, and sometimes not where we were looking for it.

"Dangerous curves"
This render in Daz studio I made for a friend of mine who loves hot cars and babes. Like Fast and Furious this image has a messgae. It’s simple joke , but quite effective even so! It certainly brought a smile to his face when I showed him!
woman reclining red bikini
Woman reclining in red bikini
This more mature woman was a render made testing skin shaders and lighting effects. I wanted particularly to create the forms with soft shadows and graded lighting. I have some depth of field in play and also the specular metallic effect in the material. I used a black and white lace image as a opacity element in the backdrop to create the lace curtain. It is dynamic cloth which gives a fairly realisting effect of material draped in this scene.
I think I got a pretty good result without any burn-out or ugly dark shadows. These are all straight renders by the way with out any post-work on them except “Dangerous Curves”. I find that if I attempt to create the scene exactly with a one shot render, I am happier with the result, but that will likely change as I learn more about layer mixing in photoshop.
Well these are some of my feminin inspirations that will likely become completed works sooner or later. Art with a message. I hope you enjoyed the tour and took some inspiration yourself.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Jeremusic asks : Is this sexy artwork too sexy?

Hi there! I wanted to ask this question here today. Is this artwork too sexy? We are all human (more or less) and of course Freud was pretty much wrong when he stated that all actions stem from a sexual desire. They don't, but nevertheless sexiness does have its relevant impact, and is hence totally overused in marketing. I mean, we get coffee adverts that let you dream of a fantastic boy/girl steamy moment magically happening when you take a sip of the coffee, when reality will let the dream girl walk right out of the coffee shop and not even give you a second glance....
Alright, well back to the Jeremusic artwork. I'm working on a concept for an album art of Naked Sound, where I want to convey the concept of Pure untarnished phonic emotions conveyed in pristine condition directly to your inner soul through your ears. I think I'll copyright and trademark that right here by the way, it seems so good!
Here's the sexy artwork :
Jeremusic sexy artwork album art
Pure untarnished phonic emotions conveyed in pristine condition directly to your inner soul through your ears.
So What do you think? Yes she's naked, but so are you under your clothes. She's listening to a composition by Jeremusic (me) obviously enthralled and deeply intensely participating in the musical magical moment. And that's how I'd like to convey the sonic content of my upcoming album.
It's music like you've never heard it before , it's crafted in a way designed to make you curl your toes and tingle in your spine from the sheer quality of the velvety aesthetics that are woven into the sonic fabric.
The soundscape created opens up wide vistas never before imagined and haunting melodies carry you to the farthest reaches of your imagination and beyond, discovering new uncharted galaxies of sound. (after that introduction it had better be great!)
So, does the nudity adequately convey the pureness of the composition, the power of simplicity and the liberation of false facades? It is what it is , exactly as you perceive it, exactly like nude art.
I'd really appreciate your comments on this as it is a work in progress and far from finalised. Write exactly what you think, don't hold back. If you hate it, say so .
If you love it and want a 15 megapixel version for a 2 meter square photo-art on your wall, say so.
Thanks for your attention.
P.S. You might be wondering what I'm doing blogging here. Well this is an authority blogging platform and if you want to rank your site and pages in the search engines rapidly like I have, you can learn the secrets and get started for 25$ right here.
If you like creativity the check this blog post out.
P.P.S. here's another version of the artwork :
sexy artwork for new Jeremusic album