Sunday, 11 May 2008

Why Blog?

Why Blog? To be truthful I'm not sure that the answer to that is a simple one. Perhaps because I'm here and I'm alive, thus I blog. No? Or is it because my restless creativity urges me subconsciously to propagate my cyber-being across the world, such that my ethereal existance can take form and suppleant my otherwise dull and earthly time-span? Do I believe in afterlife on the web? That my esscence lives on in my archived blog long after my spiritual vessel is spent? Who knows, and more to the point , "Who cares?", because this blog will probably be accidentally read by 4 or 5 people and there it shall rest, forever...or until the time of "The Great Power-Cut" deemed to be around 2012.

SO until next time!........(oh and here you can see that the excitement was intents!)

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