Thursday, 16 August 2018

Delicious seeded garibaldi bake

Easy-to-make seeded garibaldi bake biscuits! Deliciously fruity and low in sugar. Ingredients list below.

Being selective about what we eat and tending towards a healthier diet, my wife and I were on the lookout for great-tasting snack recipes to have with a cup of tea.

We drink tea or coffee without sugar and so a low-sugarhealthy homemade snacks recipe was just right.

Our son , Kirk, a 4 star pastry-chef came to our rescue with this great seeded garibaldi bake biscuit recipe.

It's basically a simple biscuit mix with a layer of mixed fruit in the middle. The skill comes in creating two squares of the biscuit paste and putting it in the freezer for 20 minutes to harden, thus making it easy to spread the fruit paste and then place the top layer on.

As a last minute idea we added some beaten egg brushed on top with a generous dose of mixed seeds (chia, flaxseed and sesame).

The result is a really delicious, seeded garibaldi bake fruity biscuit that is low in sugar.

we replaced 60 of the 110g of sugar in the basic healthy homemade snacks recipe with Fructose. (fruit sugar) which is more healthy and more easily digested than sucrose.

seeded garibaldi bake
225g baking flour
110g mixed fruit: raisins, goji berries and cranberries
80g butter
60g fructose + 50g icing sugar
1 egg
80g approx milk.

Let me know what you think and if you try this recipe I'd love to get your feedback.

Remember to subscribe to my channel and click the bell to be alerted when I upload another fun healthy homemade snacks video!