Friday, 26 July 2013

My reason for everything : My family, everyone’s family.

Hello. Having determined my definite major purpose in life yesterday, and explained to my whole family, parents, spouse and children my intentions, they have agreed with me that this goal should be pursued and attained.
As you can read here, yesterday, I determined to be a, or the, determining force for the revolution of education on this planet for all our children in all countries of the world.
get our school kids off drugsHow and why a 51 year old, computer technician would suddenly determine this goal to be HIS goal and ultimate reason of existence, is yet to be discovered, but suffice it to say that this has occurred and is a fact and is now being immediately put in to action.

Successful people act immediately on new decisions.

And they take MASSIVE action.
My family is of utmost importance to me, but I cannot ignore the families of all other people, recognising that there is an URGENT need to act to reform our planets education system, NOW.
I am not talking about a 5 to 10 year program that will probably fail and be altered, mis-implemented and forgotten.
I am talking about immediate change today.
I want all children currently on drugs prescribed by ‘educational psychologists’ or other evil bastards to be taken off of these mind altering medications immediately.
I demand that parents, whose children are being harmed in this way, wake the frik up and stand up for their child’s rights that have been forcefully taken away from them and cease the harmful drugging of their children for fictitious mental disorders, fabricated in order to be used as a reason for MASS DRUGGING of our children and the state funded profit of the drug companies.
I want this to occur now, today, in all countries of the world without exception.
The only thing preventing this from becoming a reality, is your personal lack of action.
You, the reader of this article, are already intrinsically involved and can have an influence of whether or not this crime is continued or stopped.
It is not just up to me.

It is up to you.

It is up to us.
I have resolved to do whatever it takes to accomplish this goal, and I will succeed.
I have no choice.
You do have a choice.
Ignore it, or join with me and assist me to bring this about.
You can assist me by spreading this blog far and wide, and connecting me with the people that you know who could be of assistance in this program.
I realise I am not alone and that there are many good-hearted people that will support me. I ask you to connect with me.
I thought that I joined the Empower Network, to promote my art and music.
I did, originally, but I have since clarified my true purpose in life, and determined to pursue this goal rather than any financial one.
That does not mean at all that I forsake money, for it will require a great deal of money and resources effectively used to bring about this goal, and it must be done rapidly, so do not waste any time.
Do your due diligence in verifying the correctness of the companies financial system here at Empower Network. Read and understand the compliance and income disclaimer of not guaranteeing any level of income whatsoever.
The income that you might potentially gain from your marketing efforts as an affiliate are solely under your own individual responsibility.
Empower Network hosts one of the largest blogging communities and publishing platforms online, as well as provides high-level educational training products and services to online marketers. We also offer an affiliate program where affiliates can earn commissions off the sales of our products.

What to do now :

Buy all the training, and learn and apply it to create your own financial independence based on your own effective actions, promoting whatever legally compliant product or service that you choose, and in so doing, know that you will be assisting me to attain this purpose as stated above.
Get all-in and join the team here who will help you every step of the way.
Subscribe to my RSS feed here to be kept informed of blog updates, and sign up to the e-mail list over on the right.
I cannot do this alone.
I am counting on you.

You can make the right choice and become part of our team here!
personal development plan
learn to make the right choices daily

Flourish and Prosper! (I know you can do it!)
Jeremusic AKA Jeremy Feldmesser

Children are smarter than their parents. Global intelligence evolution

Following on from my post yesterday to continue the action to free all children on the planet from falsely prescribed mind-altering drugs as an excuse for a society that has lost their ability to love our children, I want to proceed here to the next level.
If we, as a society, made absolutely sure that our children would be aware of the mistakes that we have made and be humble enough to admit them, we can set our children on the route of personal development far above our own.
We can give our children the head start and not have to force them to suffer in the bullshit of misinformation that we have grown up in.
If you are not already aware that most of what you think you know is false and fictitious, designed to keep your mind closed to the possibility of releasing your own innate power, then it is time to wake up, my friend
I have happily helped my children along with my wife, who honestly must take the greater credit, to be able to learn and apply information that they have gathered or been taught such that they are competent individuals who are a credit to our society, and indeed to our human race.

Their intelligence is greater than my own.

I am humbly aware that their grasp of our human situation and their intelligence is greater than my own. I wished it to be so, and in turn their children will be helped to be on the next rung up also.
With each parent, actually intending for his children to be a greater asset to society than we were, we can build-in a planetary evolution towards world peace, abundance and freedom for mankind.
This endeavor might take more than my current life-time but is must be done.
Our planet and our own future existence depends on it, and the suppression and the haters die off in their own lifetimes.
Freedom and prosperity for all mankind is assured, if we determine that it is so.
That is why I have such a burning desire to free our children, or we have placed them ourselves into the hands of the quiet criminals that have been infiltrated into our schools and our lives.
With massive glossy colour magazines, billions of dollars in brain-washing media and radio, TV and films the lies have been spread to make us think that ‘it must be this way’, but I am here as an individual who is not hypnotised like the broad public currently are, and I beseech you to search deep within your own knowingness to agree , and to inspire you to take massive action now to save our children from this state-funded drugging epidemic.
If you do not, you are condemning our children and thus our future to certain extinction.
That may seem melodramatic, or a wild claim, but it is not. It is a solemn and sober fact.

Free all our children, NOW.

We the remaining free thinkers on earth must unite and extract our children, all children and even ourselves from the clutches of a chemical straitjacket that we have so sheepishly accepted to wear as a ‘normal act’.
If you saw someone stabbing his brain with a knife, you would immediately stop him from committing this act of self-destruction. Right?
Yet you allow the ‘educational psychologists’ [spit] to do exactly that to your children with their chemicals.
Day after day after day, you are killing our children, numbing their minds and potentially permanently ruining their ability to think or operate as they could in life, by your pathetic weak agreement that ‘you can’t do anything about it’.

You can do something about it.

By my acts I will cause all this to be reversed, all children shall be freed and our future existence will be assured.
I might be just myself, but I have determined to change our planets path from suicide to prosperity and freedom.
You can help me to accomplish this.
I demand that you join me and take massive action now. You know what you have to do.
If you have any heart at all left under that comfortably numb existence that you call life, I implore you to act on your conscience, and to act effectively to save our children.

Each one of you reading this will know what you can do about it.

Even if the only thing you did was to share this post with your circles, that would be something. But I am actually asking you to stop telling yourself that you are weak and feeble and ineffective as an individual, because that is exactly what the brain-washing was intended to make you think, so just knock off all the self-negating chatter that’s in your head right now and discover the powerful voice that is actually YOU and act to change our planet.

I’m counting on you to do so.get our school kids off drugs

Take back your rights to act now for the good of all mankind and do so.
Until tomorrow,
Flourish and prosper.